Hi! Before we begin, thanks for purchasing this theme! We hope you enjoy working with it.
In the following pages we'll cover the installation, setup and use of this theme, together with a reference to its special features. We tried to cover every important side of it, so we truly suggest you dig into it if you have doubts or difficulties. However, if you find yourself with no answers or have any question beyond the scope of this document, please feel free to post it in our support forum at https://artisanthemes.io/support-forums/ and we'll get to it as soon as possible (allow for a 24hs period).
Happy blogging!
Artisan Themes
Before we begin the installation of the theme you have to be running an updated version of WordPress. If this is your first time using WordPress and need help with that you may want to have a look at the Codex page for Installing WordPress: http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress. Don't worry, it should be really easy.
There are two steps required in order to install a WP theme: uploading and activating. For uploading it, you have two options:
Upload through WordPress: From the WP menu go to Appearance » Themes, select the tab "Install themes" and click on "Upload". Then, choose the nayma.zip file you downloaded.
Upload through FTP: Unzip the nayma.zip file and upload it using your preferred FTP client into the wp-content/themes at your domain.
Once you have uploaded the theme to your server click "Activate" it.
In order to get automattic updates right on your WordPress dashboard you will need to activate its license. To do that, please navigate to https://artisanthemes.io/dashboard where you can add your site's domain.
Once your theme is registered in Artisan Themes site, the theme is ready to connect and activate the license. Navigate to Theme Options >> General tab and in the lower part of the page fill in your Artisan Themes credentials and your new License ID for the "THEME UPDATES & LICENSE" area. You can find this License ID in your Artisan Themes Dashboard
Besides any other plugin you may want to use or may be using right now in your WordPress install, Nayma requires two other plugins to work as expected. The first one is the Portfolio Type plugin, which enables the portfolio item type and ensures you'll keep your portfolio items even after you switch themes (if you ever come to do that). The other one is the amazing Page Builder by SiteOrigin, which let's you build post and pages layouts through a drag & drop interface.
Once you activate the theme you'll see a yellowish banner asking you to install those plugins. Please, install them, and -if it does not happen automatically- activate them too.
In addition, Nayma includes full support for the great Crelly Slider plugin. It is not required from you to you install it, but if you want to, go ahead. You'll enjoy it big time! By the way, you don't need to do it right now if you are not sure. You can go, later on, to Appearance » Install Required Plugins and install it from there.
To activate your menus, go to Appearance » Menus.
Create a menu adding your selected pages to the right column on the screen, and order them as you want. Give the menu a name, save it, and then define a "location" for it clicking on the "Manage Locations" tab. The location you'll need to supply at least right now is "Primary Menu". The other will come to use only if you select a header style with two menus on it.
Unless you want your homepage to load your latest posts by default with no much more than that, you'll want to define a page to be the homepage, which later you'll modify to suit your needs.
Navigate to Settings » Reading and for "Front page displays" select "A static page". Then, select any page you have created to be your homepage. You can use any template you want for it, and that will depend on what you want for it to display (more on that on the Builder Modules section, but you really can use anything you want). Don't select a page for "Posts page" unless you want to use the default archive template for it. You'll set it up later by choosing a blog template on that page.
Next we'll cover the general set of options Nayma offers. These options are theme wide and define most of the theme functioning. Remember to save each tab before you go on to the next one, otherwise your changes won't be saved. Alternatively, you can use the reset button to restore each tab to its defaults.
To begin, navigate to Appearance » Theme Options.
The Branding section controls the logo for the site's header, for the custom login screen (if used) and the favicon. Is desirable that you upload logo images both for regular ratio screens and both for retina screens (twice as big as the regular ones).
The Miscellaneous section controls the display of the 404 Error page, the loading of Google Maps and Retina scripts, the breadcrumbs and the "Back to top" functionality, both of which you can enable or disable. Disabling the scripts if you won't use those functionalities may improve loading times a little. Remember that disabling the Retina script means that newer images that you upload to WordPress won't get cropped accordingly, so you may want to plan that in advance. Also, the Transients Cache can be enabled from here.
The single Blog Posts section controls the sidebar for every single post view (that means: not on the blog template). Remove it if you want a fullwidth post display or set it at any side you want.
Options & Content presents three important features.
The Demo Content Import provides you with a button that will import demo-like-content as you saw on Nayma's demo online. You don't actually need to do this, but it can help you see things working if you are just starting with WordPress themes. Remember it'll replace your options and add lots of content to your site.
Backup Options lets you backup and restore your whole set of Theme Options. Use it to save your current preferred set of options just before you start tweaking things to see if there is a scheme you like better. The restore button will restore your options to the last backup you made.
The Export Options function provides you with a piece of text (weird text) that contains your whole Theme Options settings as for the time you loaded that page (if you changed something if won't get reflected there unless you update your settings). You can paste that piece of text in another Nayma install to transfer your settings exactly as you have them here. (From a local install to an online one, for example.)
Update Section: In this area you can fill in your Artisan Themes username and password which will allow you to get notified about new updates for the theme right at your WordPress Dashboard, and update it right from there with a simple click. Don't forget to enter your details in there and keep your theme always up to date.
Note: When you update your theme from the admin Dashboard, any custom modification you may have done to the theme's files (if you did any) will get replaced for the new updated files. Please keep a copy of those modified files or, much better, make your own customizations in a child theme. This does not apply to the Theme Options and WordPress settings. If you didn't touch the theme's files you don't need to worry about it.
Inside the Layout Options you'll find:
On the Design Options tab:
You can select here fonts for the different sections of the theme. It is advisable to choose no more than one or two different external fonts (Google font or custom) to improve loading times.
Also, there are certain languages which will need a whole different set of characters in order to display their words. That's what the Subset option is for. If you are writing in English, Spanish, French, German and so, you won't probably need that. In case you know your language needs for a font subset to be called for, just add that with a semi-colon before the subset name. For example, for Cyrillic subsets add this in the subset field:
Fill in the accounts for each social network icon you want to display on the site's header or footer. Then, select an icon scheme, and the set of colors for each social section. Hint: choose the branded version if you want each icon to be on the color of its network.
The portfolio slug option lets you define what you want to appear in the URL bar before your item's name. It could be anything, just pick something without spaces (you can use "-" or "_") and without any special symbol. Remember to flush permalinks after you save this option.
The data fields are custom fields you can use to showcase special information on your portfolio items. It could be the name of the client the project was for, the year, the price of an item or even the ingredients if you are using the portfolio as a restaurant menu. :) You create them here and then complete them in each portfolio item.
If you are using the WooCommerce free plugin to create an e-shop on your site, you can customize here whether to show the cart on the header, the different texts for "My account" and "Register" areas, how many products to show on each Shop page, and whether the Shop page will be fullwidth or with sidebar (note: this will affect the shop page, and also the category and single product pages).
Nayma includes a super duper functionality that lets you build any page with the use of solid blocks of content we call "Modules". They can be included and arranged in any order when using a Modular Page template, and with 17 custom modules the amount of different things you can build is huge. You can even create your modules and think later on where you are going to use them, or even use one of them in multiple places across your site.
Each module has some general options (common to all modules) and some very specific ones. Define in each one if you want to display the title, pick the colors and the background and select whether you want to use the Parallax effect over your background (available for image backgrounds, of course).
Hint: in most modules, you can use the regular WordPress editor to add content that will be displayed beautifully before the specific module content.
To create a new module navigate to Modules » Add new. You select the type of module in the box that says "Module Type", right bellow the editor.
Now, one more little thing and then let's go over each one of them.
Nayma includes a built in cache system based on transients for the Modular Page template. For improved performance, enable that option by navigating to Theme Options >> General, and setting "Transients Cache Enable" to "Enabled".
Please note that this option will work as a cache for all matters when displaying modules. If you are showing different things based on particular logged-in users either on your modules, keep this option disabled.
While there are infinite possible uses for these modules, one of the most recurrent ones if the creation of homepages. If you have already selected a specific page as a Static homepage in Settings » Reading, you can define its template to Modular Page and start throwing your modules in. You can create a very simple homepage with a slider and a blog, a showcase for your portfolio, a sales page with lots of copy or even a guided tour through your company.
The Canvas module is simply an empty post-like-editor where you can throw anything you like. Text, images, embeds. Think of it as the ultimate free module you can later on position anywhere you want on your site.
Hint: If you combine a Canvas module with the SiteOrigin's Page Builder plugin (downloadable for free from the WordPress Plugins Repository) you can go crazy with the possibilities!
The Slider module features three stylish sliders made in Artisan Themes. You can display images with captions and titles on them and let them amaze your visitors. Choose between three slider styles and three caption layouts, all combinable. And then add slides to the list of slides to show, which you can reorder there too.
Adding a slide: Add a title, add content for the caption and chose between the infinite possible colors for it. You upload the slide image in the Upload file field. Keep in mind that sliders are generally big creatures and need big-high-resolution images. So, the bigger the better. If you want, you can set a link to point the whole caption to by entering a URL in the "Caption links to" field, and add a Call to action that will appear below the caption pointing to that same URL (note: the Call to Action won't appear if you select the Drop Caption style).
The Crelly Slider module has an input field for you to paste the shortcode for your Crelly Slider plugin (downloaded for free from the WordPress Plugins Repository) slider. Just create a slider with the plugin and paste in there the shortcode.
The Slider Revolution module has an input field for you to paste the shortcode for the Slider Revolution plugin slider, if you happen to be using it on your site. Just create a slider with the plugin and paste in there the shortcode.
You have three Blog styles in this module. The Masonry style, which brings a neat grid with all your posts, y a very visual way. The Classic style which brings your posts in full more classically, and the Teasers style, which brings the post in a short version in a more magazine-like fashion. Pick how many columns (masonry) and how many posts per page. As for the navigation you could use the regular one with Next and Previous links, or use a fancy ajax "Load more" button.
The Carousel displays any amount of items in a carousel slider. You can chose to display regular posts, portfolio items, slides (from Nayma sliders) or even WooCommerce products.
The Portfolio module lets you choose between a Masonry or grid style, with margins or fullwidth layout, and in several columns options. You can also define for each portfolio module whether you want the items to open right there via Ajax or in a single post link. Hide or show the title for each item, the navigation filters and build your own list of items for each module (or bring them all or by categories). For the navigation you could use the regular one with Next and Previous links, or use a fancy ajax "Load more" button.
The Slogan module can be a slogan, or a call to action, or even a quick welcome phrase. Enter your title and text in the editor, add a link if you want, and hit publish.
Similar to the Carousel, the Recent Posts module brings your latest posts by the quantity you define in its options, in a carousel slider.
The Services modules features a list of Services items (more about them in a moment) which you can display in three different styles, and in a varying number of columns. Use them to display features, points of interests or ideas. You can add many different sets of services to each Service module you create.
You can enter a title for each service, and -depending on the style you'll use in the module- its content text. You can define a tagline, a link, an icon from the great Font Awesome with a background color or a custom image.
The Team module brings your set of team members in many possible layouts (the members are added in each module). Create there as many members as you want, with picture, personal data and social links.
The Featured Post module brings a selected post and displays it in a fancy and bold way. Yes, in Nayma that's a possible way :). Whether it is a regular post, a video one, a gallery or of any other format, pick your preferred layout and Nayma will do it's magic with it.
Add as many testimonials as you want and display one by one or in columns, to let your visitors know you better.
The Clients module brings your client's logos to the game in a carousel slider. Add a logo and a link (optional) for each one and you are ready to go.
For any page you create in WordPress you can pick a template that matches your needs. You'll find the Template select field inside the Page Attributes metabox, at the right side of the page screen. Nayma comes with 7 custom templates you can choose from.
Each page has a set of options worth looking at. First, you can pick any sidebar to be displayed while on that page (Creating sidebars). Show or hide the breadcrumbs, define page header options (a styled one for which you can choose colors and even a picture background or a neat default one, plain), add a tagline and even an image background for the page (only applies in Boxed layout style).
Note for WooCommerce users: Most WooCommerce pages are defined like regular pages and you can set its header design options as you would do for any other regular page. All of them except for the Shop page, the Category page and the single Product page. In order to define the header style options for those three, locate the Shop page and apply the styling options to that page. That way, any options you could set to the Shop page will get applied also for the Category page and each single Product.
The default page template simply brings any content you enter to the page. Simple and nice.
Similar to the default page template, but with its sidebar located at the left side of the screen.
Similar to the default page template, but with no sidebar, and with fullwidth content.
The Blog template lets you chose a Blog module (from those you had created before) and brings it into the page. You can also enter an intro content in the editor. To create a blog page, create a blank page, select the Blog template and pick a Blog module from your list. By creating different Blog modules you could create also different blog pages.
The Portfolio template lets you chose any Portfolio module (from those you had created before) and brings it into the page. You can also enter an intro content in the editor. To create a Portfolio page, create a blank page, select the Portfolio template and pick a Portfolio module from your list. By creating different Portfolio modules you could create also many different blog pages with different contents and style.
The Contact template features the possibility to add a Google Map right after the header of the page, thus enabling you to show your location to your visitors. Also, decide if you want to show a sidebar or leave it fullwidth. You can paste in the WordPress editor a shortcode from your favorite contact form plugin, and Nayma comes ready to beautifully integrate with the free plugin Contact Form 7, which is -also-one of the bests out there.
Although the Modular Page template is one of the simplest ones, it is also one of the most powerful. It displays a list of all your created modules and lets you build your own set of modules for each page you want. Select them, order them and -if you want- set the page header to "Hide", to use it as a homepage. It'll bring them one after the other in neat harmony. ;)
Post formats, introduced in WordPress since version 3.1, is a feature that allows you to specify what the post content is about and Nayma is ready to make that content look great. You can choose the format for your post on the right side of the post editing screen.
You can actually use any kind of content for any kind of post, and even compose a Standard post (the most common one) full of videos and galleries, but if you really want to see Nayma's magic, pick the right kind of post and let the theme display its content in a gorgeous way to feature what you really want to show on each post.
With future compatibility in mind, Nayma does not use any custom fields to grab the data from your posts, just figures out what you intended to add and uses it. Also, it does not matter where you put your special content inside the post, just create and let the theme handle the work for you.
For Video posts and Audio posts you generally embed your content by pasting the url of the chosen media (YouTube or Vimeo, for example) and hitting enter on your keyboard after that line.
For Gallery posts you add your images through the Add media button above the content editor, and once there create a gallery, order your images and insert the gallery into the post.
The Image post uses the image you uploaded as Featured image, so don't forget to add that one if you want your image to be bold and nice.
The Aside post, Status post, Quote post, and Link post handle the content in a very simple way. Enter whatever you have to say and that's it. Don't forget that if you are adding a link post you should actually have the link in your content (you can create it with the link-chain button in the content editor of WordPress).
The Portfolio module in the theme uses any portfolio items you may have created before that. So let's cover the creation of portfolio items (again, they can be anything your site needs to showcase).
Note: You have a special taxonomy (category) available to classify your items. You'll find it available in the left menu under the Portfolio title, and in every item editing page on the right side.
To create a portfolio item navigate to Portfolio » Add new Item. Enter a title for the item and create your content into it as you want. You can add text, images, galleries, video, audio and even go crazy by inserting content with the Page Builder plugin. As every section that features portfolio items uses its Featured Image it is very important that you add one for every item!
Those data fields you created in the Theme's Options Panel are now available to be filled in every item. You can complete all of them or leave empty those which you don't want to appear on a special item (if you are creating different kinds of portfolios you can use different kind of data fields for each of them).
Each portfolio item can have its own layout and you may pick between 5 different ones! Note: if you want your content to show exactly as you created it, and with its media in the same order and layout, pick the "As Created & Formatted" style.
You will probably create your items in an order that may differ from that one you want to display your items in. To re-order them exactly as you want, navigate to Portfolio » Order Items and make that order work. There's no need to save anything, as everything gets saved as soon as you re-order them. Keep in mind, that this order will affect any place in which the natural order of the items is called (when you bring items per Category, for example).
The Google Map widget will display a cute map courtesy of the Google Maps site. To use it, just fill in an address of your choice and it will use it to display the map. Enter the address as you normally would do to search a location in Google Maps.
The Image widget is simply a widget that lets you easily add an image to your widget area. Fill in a URL for your file or click the "Upload Image" button and hit Save. That's it, a nice image in your widget. :)
This widget displays a list of recent posts from your posts list, next to its respective thumbnails (using the Featured Image for each post). If the post doesn't have a Featured Image it'll show a default thumbnail icon. You can set how many posts to show in the list.
Want to display your -or your company's- latest tweets? The Twitter widget brings them up for you. This post on our blog will explain you in a couple of easy steps how to set it up.
The Quadro Video widget lets you include a video from any of the common social video sites (Youtube, Vimeo, Blip.tv, etc.) into your widgets area. Just paste in your video URL and it'll accommodate to show up always nicely and at the correct size.
Nayma comes fully integrated with the free e-commerce plugin WooCommerce, that lets you create an online store in a matter a minutes and, well, for free. We'll take some minutes over the next lines to guide you through its installation and initial setup.
If you are starting to work with WooCommerce plugin, the first thing to do is actually getting the plugin (installing it) and activating it on your WordPress install. For that matter, navigate to Plugins » Add New, and in the search field type WooCommerce. The first, or one of the first plugins to appear should read "WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce". That's the one we want. Click "Install Now", and then "Activate".
Once activated you'll see a purple-ish banner welcoming you to the plugin, and offering you to create WooCommerce default pages. While you don't strictly must let the plugin create those for you, it is strongly recommended. The plugin knows exactly what it needs to work properly and that'll be of great help. If you prefer to create those pages by yourself, head over to the plugin Docs (link available in the Plugins screen, right next to the WooCommerce Settings link) and take it from there to supply every page needed. Basically, those are the pages that WooCommerce needs for the Check Out, for the Cart page, and for the account stuff. Remember that if you are manually creating your menus you should add most of that pages to the menu (or to some menu) to make them available to your visitors. You can -if you want- enable the top "My Cart" icon link in the header in Theme Options Panel » WooCommerce Tab.
You don't need to do anything in particular inside those pages. In fact, leave them empty and the plugin will handle them for you. What you can do, if you want, is setup the page styling options as you would do for any other page inside the theme. Remember that styling for the Shop, Products Category and Single product page is done through the Page styling options in the Shop page (see Page Templates) and in the WooCommerce tab in Theme Options Panel.
With the plugin already activated and its pages created, there are two main steps you should take. In WooCommerce settings (WooCommerce » Settings) you'll find lots of customizable options for your Online Store. Note, however, that you can start loading your content almost right away (setting locations, currency and stuff like that is pretty important, though, do a quick scan over all there is and prioritize according to your needs). The other logical step is adding products to your store, what you do by going to Products » Add New in the left menu.
WooCommerce products are already styled in the Nayma to look and feel as the rest of the theme. You can upload images for them by setting them as Featured Image and you can add more images through the Add Media button, just as with any other post.
Once you have added some products you can head over the Shop page and start getting a feel for your Online Store, courtesy of WooCommerce Plugin. Have fun with it!
We've chosen a group of WordPress plugins we think you will find very useful in your everyday WordPress work, and added special support for them, making sure they display and fit nicely within the overall design of the theme. That does not mean other plugins won't look nice when using them on Nayma, nor it talks about how those plugins perform. Other plugins will look as great as they are built, always. It just means we've styled these plugin's components according to the rest of the theme so you can install them and activate them and never wonder whether they will look fine or not.
Available on the WordPress plugins repository, Page Builder is a free plugin "to create responsive column layouts using the widgets you know and love". With it you'll be able to structure your content in many columns and rows you need and place inside them neat elements such as: galleries, buttons, call to actions, videos, testimonials, price boxes and more. You can also use the native WordPress widgets and the nice Artisan Themes widgets that come with the theme.
We also recommend you to install the SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle to get even more elements to insert inside your content, like: posts carousel, features/services, customizable buttons and call to actions, prices table and sliders. The second great thing about this is that you can also use these widgets in regular widgetized areas all over your site.
Important Note: Each different post type needs to be enabled for the Page Builder plugin in order to be able to use it in them. Make sure you are enabling the post types you want to use the plugin with by navigating to Settings >> SiteOrigin Page Builder and checking the proper checkboxes. We specially recommend checking "Posts", "Pages" and "Modules", though you can enable those you want.
Whether it's a simple contact form or that you're looking to build a more complex form for your website, these tools will be the best choice for you. Nayma supports the amazing Contact Form 7 plugin.
The Contact Form 7 is a free plugin that you can find in the WordPress repository. We recommend you using it to build simple and nice forms; it's really easy to implement and you can find the documentation guide here.
Available on the WordPress plugins repository, Crelly Slider is a free plugin to create amazing layered sliders. With it you'll be able to build your slides using images and text layers with custom animations. Then you can use the slider on a page or a post by pasting its shortcode inside the content wherever you want.
Bonus feature! You can add CSS classes to any menu item in WordPress (if you don't see that input field you may have to open the top drawer in the screen and enable it). Any item on the menu that points to an #id on the same page, and that has the class 'scroll-to-link' (without the quotes) added to it, will generate a scroll effect to that section. This is extremely useful for creating one page sites.
So, how to do that? First, build your page with modules using the Modular Page template. Open your created page in the browser and (in Chrome or Firefox!) right click over each section. You'll see there is a line around there that start with the word < section > and has an attribute that looks like this id="post-1094". You want to grab that id, that is the "address" of you section.
Then, go to the menus screen, and create a menu item for each section, by using the "Link" metabox, and insert the id of each one as the link. Once you created them, go over each one and in the CSS class field of every item enter scroll-to-link and hit save. Your One Page Site should be ready to rock!
The theme includes some action hooks you can make use of to modify (or interact with) specific parts of the theme. For a detailed explanation of working with hooks in WordPress please refer to the hooks documentation in the Codex.
Simply put, a "hook" is a little spot where you can literally hook specific actions or functions, to be run in certain parts of the site's run time without touching or modifying the template files for the theme. All the code can be added in your functions.php file inside a child theme and be kept ordered and safe from updates.
To add a function to a hook, just add it this way:
add_action( 'the_hook_name', 'your_function_name' );
function your_function_name() {
// do stuff here