Fixed: if a modular page is used as shop and its ID entered in Theme Options, its sidebar is the one used on WC pages that do not have that option /inc/options-definition.php
Updated Google Fonts list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Fixed typo in function description /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
TinyMCE Editor Color Picker: added user-defined color palette, rebuilt markup, and restyled UI /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Added user-defined color palette to Gutenberg color picker /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added new hook before printing custom CSS in CSS Options file /inc/css-functions.php
Removed empty line /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Adding module contents refresh when a color is applied on a TinyMCE color picker /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Added modular page selector option type to framework /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added Sidebar Selector option type to theme options /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
WooCommerce integration: Added new options for category and single product pages, changed Modular shop page id option type to page selector, implemented new WooCommerce options for sidebar selection in product pages and category pages, header layout selection in category pages and empty cart text /inc/options-definition.php
Fixed breadcrumbs function not printing shop page title and link for WooCommerce /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
V 3.0.9 (5/1/2023)
Fixed PHP notices (mixed type on Leadbox helper, retina images deleter if no file found, accent font selection in CSS Functions file, quadro_options on 404 page) /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Changed Arrange Modules screen name to Modules Navigator. Added Edit module button to Modules Navigator screen. Other FEE adjustments. /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front-legacy.php
New Feature: Purge page cache in popular cache plugins after editing on Front-End Editor (works in WPRocket, WP Fastest Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache) /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
Replaced Mailchimp “list” label for “audience” to match platform language /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added support for modular pages’ content to Yoast and Rank Math SEO plugins’ content analysis /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added function that returns an image element with its alt text to be used in Image module + Added ALT attribute to image module. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Added “data-url” to HTML filters attributes /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
V 3.0.8 (23/6/2022)
Complete overhaul of Typography options — 3 optional fonts: Headings, Body, Accent. Added individual selector of font type for each one (Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, Custom Fonts or Web Safe font). Added new fonts to Google Fonts list. Enabled multiple custom fonts files. Added accent font button in editor. Legacy options migration. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Implemented GDPR consent checkbox for Mailchimp /inc/custom-fields-definition.php /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Fixed galllery module captions not showing up on mosaic style module-gallery.php
Team module: enabled globe, link, external link, paperclip and user icons to be used as social icons module-team.php
Moved threshold for WordPress “scaled” image reduction to 5500px (this should fix some instances where a correct retina image is created but the retina script can’t find it because of the ‘scaled’ postfix) /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
V 3.0.7 (22/3/2022)
Re-added portfolio ordering functionality, and added “by date” and “by title” ordering methods for portfolio module /inc/custom-post-types.php
Added new options: Mobile Menu Appearance (background and text colors) /inc/css-functions.php /inc/options-definition.php /inc/jquery.mmenu.css
WooCommerce – Single product – Fixed gallery spacing issues (now there are 5 images per row, because of WC), and variables menus alignment /inc/woocommerce-styles.cs
Fixed PHP deprecated required function argument after optional argument /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Getting rid of PHP deprecated notice when image is not found /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Getting rid of PHP deprecated notice for required arguments after optional arguments in function /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php
Fixed PHP notice in Gallery module when image is selected but non-existent, and added “skip image if no image” module-gallery.php
AT Presets: Fixed PHP error when trying to import not-found image – Fixed image importing for repeatables nested inside repeatable – Fixed gallery modules not importing inside presets. It will now import placeholder image and replace IDs in gallery. /inc/qi-framework/at-presets/at-presets.php
Upgraded required version for Artisan Pages plugin functions.php
Moved “hide page header” option inside Page Settings metabox so that it’s present in FEE /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fix: When using giant slider edit button in Front-End Editor now can be accessed style.css
Removed class “canvas-content” from modules that didn’t need it (Gallery and Carousel Gallery) module-cgallery.php module-gallery.php
Columns module – Added 2 new options: Padding around columns, and Border between columns module-columns.php
Added possibility of manually entering value for range sliders by typing a number /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts-legacy.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Styled new range slider value input /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Updated available Google fonts list and added filter to list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Fixed not all modules inside duplicated columns modules showing up in pages /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Fixed new module not refreshing changes in editor after adding /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Added skip preset if module type not available in theme version /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Slogan module is now called “Headline” /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
V 3.0.5 (24/9/2021)
Added “inspiration link” to color palette option in Theme Options /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
V 3.0.4 (21/9/2021)
Revamped admin notices for expired licenses /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Added filter to function that specifies allowed attributes for escaping /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
Fixed undefined index notice for user agent check in deferring scripts function /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added TikTok and Etsy to social icons (module, header/footer icons, and user contact methods) style.css
Fixed Gutenberg’s TikTok block style style.css
Redesigned Color Palette Option + Now there are 10 swatches availables /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
V 3.0.3 (28/7/2021)
WooCommerce: Fixed Gallery Thumb Image Size /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php
V 3.0.2 (7/7/2021)
Revamped & fixed Artisan Sites importing:
– Images import one by one (fixes server timeouts)
– Modules remapping after importing
– WPforms form creation and remapping
– Added scan for used modules after importing
– Added record of all that was imported so we can add an undo function soon
– Replaced wp_get_http deprecated function in importing class
– Added UNDO function /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php
Fixed PHP notice in repeatable theme options /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
WooCommerce: Integrated Store Notice /inc/css-functions.php
New Module: WooCommerce Products module-wcproducts.php
V 3.0.1 (25/6/2021)
Removed 60fps-scroll library (deprecated – Chrome adds this by default now) /js/scripts.js
Fixed syntax errors footer.php
Added email address option to Social icons in header/footer /inc/options-definition.php
Added pre-connecting to GoogleFonts CDN /inc/css-functions.php
Replaced H1’s used in mobile menus with span tags header.php
Removed deprecated demo content importer functions (not in use anymore) /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importer.php
Added ActiveCampaign option for Email Service Providers in Leadbox module /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Removed WC columns option from header classes /inc/theme-functions.php
Fixed mod-content showing up instead of intro when no intro was present /inc/theme-functions.php
Minor copy fix /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
V 3.0.0 (4/5/2021)
FEE: Added option to also duplicate modules inside a Columns module when duplicating a Columns module /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php
FEE: Fixed link for destination page after a module was duplicated into another page /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts-legacy.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
FEE: Fixed weird cases of Columns modules not bringing Style and Advanced options into the editor /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
FEE: Fixed weird behavior in editor where editing a module would cause the editor to copy that module into the previously edited module if there were still changes to preview in the first one /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
FEE: Added search by name filter for existing modules in Arrange Modules window /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
FEE while having a transparent header fix: Now the first module on the page that’s behind the header is hoverable and editable /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
FEE: Added interception for clicks inside module links (in addition to clicks on the header menu) /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Enabled code-editor syntax highlighting to be used with modules too /inc/qi-framework/options.php
Modified requested version numbers for js and css files to override browser’s old cache at theme update /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added new module: List /inc/qi-framework/images/mods/list.png
Added hooks to function that prints field boxes before closing the switch loop and before closing the fields table /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
Added filter to set no-index on module post type when RankMath is active /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Fixed cases where the theme wouldn’t find images that were downsized with the -scaled suffix.
Added new threshold at 2800 so that WordPress doesn’t downscale images that are the exact recommended size for the theme to use in retina devices. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed missing images in Slider, Team or Services modules where the original uploaded images were bigger than WP’s new max size and got suffixed with ‘-scaled’ /inc/theme-functions.php
Removed sourceMappingURL parameter from TinyColorPicker script /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Decoupled function to process custom CSS /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added menu exports (footer, main right, and proper secondary) to proper menu locations in theme after importing /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php
Upgraded requested versions for AT Pages and AT Advanced Styles functions.php
Replaced editor field for slogan module (removed backward compatibility with old pre-2015 editor) /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fixed JS error when embed iframe didn’t have a source set /js/scripts.js
Fixed empty image when image inside Gallery module wasn’t found module-gallery.php
Fixed check for custom font existence /inc/css-functions.php
Updated empty sidebar message and made it to show only if user is logged in sidebar.php
Call to Action module – Added new options: 2 layouts for alignment and button size “medium” module-cta.php style.css /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fixed icon prefix for envelope (email address link) in team module module-team.php
Added option to Gallery module to hide captions module-gallery.php /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
V 2.9.9 (9/3/2021)
Framework update for other themes (fixed site-wide transparent header in Indigo and Modules) /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
Fixed editor tabs position in Theme Options editors /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Fixed formatting in code /inc/theme-functions.php
Revamped 404 Page Options: Enabled hiding the header if no title present, added option to show/hide the search form, enabled a proper editor for 404 page content, enabled module shortcodes inside editor, added new option for 404 page layout. 404.php
Fixed PHP notice on 404 pages /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
WooCommerce: Added new breadcrumbs option inside product pages + Added option to manually define shop page ID for WooCommerce’s breadcrumbs if using a modular page /inc/options-definition.php
Added new option in Theme Options to completely disable the comments section across the whole site comments.php
Fixed PHP notice for then there’s no featured image in single post content-single-header.php
Enabled featured image for password-protected posts when showed inside a posts container module query content.php
Updated adjustVideo function in JS so that we only auto-calculate ratios for iframe sources in video providers list /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Requesting uncached new files for new theme version functions.php
Added filter for allowed wp_kses tags + Reordered and added missing allowed tags for wp_kses /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Front-End Editor: Added intercepting and proper handling of menu links when inside the editor to prevent weird editor behaviors /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php
Front-End Editor: Brought back numbered list icon tool to repeatable editors in Tinymce /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Front-End Editor: Removed numbered list button from repeatable editors /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Front-End Editor: Restored functionality of WP Links plugin and image editor inside Tinymce in FEE /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Front-End Editor: Added handler to create a new module in between modules /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Added target option for links in services module module-services.php
Fixed icon for email contact method, and escaping for Skype URL in author box /inc/theme-functions.php
V 2.9.8 (11/2/2021)
Front-End Editor: Fixed slidable insights weren’t able to refresh after changes (and also icons modules and pricing tables modules) + Removed “UNSAVED” from title shown in module when shown + Disabled toolbar on side FEE + Added View Page button + Updated copy on FEE button /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-side-editor-styles.css
Front-End Editor: Added action buttons in the panel when nothing is selected to edit (add module, presets, arrange, page settings) /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-side-editor-styles.css
Presets catalog: Fixing image width issue on Windows /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Front-End Editor: Fixed editors not working after creating a mod with an editor /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Fixed escaping for Skype link in header/footer social icons. Added email to header/footer social icons. Added Skype and Email to Social Icons module. module-social_icons.php
Added new option for sidebar position in WooCommerce single product pages header.php /inc/options-definition.php /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php /inc/theme-functions.php
Fixed syntax error in Social Icons module module-social_icons.php
Updated available Google Fonts list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Modules metaboxes handlers (in backend) – Now styled and displayed, so one can fix their position if needed /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
V 2.9.4 (10/10/2020)
Added functionality to indicate in which pages is a module being used /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added target option for Slogan module’s buttons module-slogan.php
New Tools tab in Theme Options adjustments /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Added check to Restore Options button for existing backup before moving forward /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Moved importer and options backup options to new Tools tab in Theme Options /inc/options-definition.php
Fixed missing check for existing array key in Image module border radius definition module-image.php
V 2.9.3 (30/9/2020)
Fixed unstyled central slide in Carousel Gallery module when the script prints slides as divs instead of lis style.css
Removed all left instances of old license verification functionality /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php
Added function conditionals to relevant functions including (and most of all) gallery printing functions. Added pre and post hooks to widget areas. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
V 2.9.2 (10/9/2020)
Front-End Editor: Fixed different elements’ styles /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Fixed range inputs not updating value /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
V 2.9.1 (12/8/2020)
Fixed jQuery errors preventing theme UI from working properly /inc/qi-framework/options.php
Removed lazy loading functionality and adjusted code elements, as lazy loading is now being natively added by WP /js/scripts.js
Fixed error on scroll-to-link links /js/scripts.js
Fixed bug where first image in gallery would not display properly on occasions /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Fixed Front-End Editor link in toolbar not showing up on occasions /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Getting Started page modifications /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Gutenberg blocks group with background – Fixed padding style.css
Limited logo dimensions on mobile devices style.css
Removed editor error notifications from Front-End Editor when the site is in a different language /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Hid WordPress gallery sidebar on the gallery module to avoid confusion with the columns option /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Removed onboarding tour from framework /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added 500px to available social icons for header and footer, and added profile to Theme Options /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed new CSS code syntax for Custom CSS Box /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
V 2.8.9 (11/4/2020)
Added new option to post: Show/Hide featured image content-single.php
Added code syntax highlighting to Custom CSS box in Theme Options /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Copy changes in backend /inc/options-definition.php
Fixed missing social icons in Elegant Icons font /inc/qi-framework/e-icons-list.php
Fixed social media icons (Slack and Trello) not being defined /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed social media icons color issue (new icons didn’t have colors set yet, and icons with new classes were missing their colors too) – For icons on header/footer, and Social Icons module style.css
Added link to New Modular Page in New Content admin bar menu /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Added default success message after submit for Leadbox module module-leadbox.php
Initial work on an ajax powered Post Finder option field /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added FB Messenger to social icons. Fixed prefix style for Elegant Icons. Added missing social networks in Font Awesome Upgrader. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed prefix for icons in Team module module-team.php
Added Facebook Messenger to social icons list /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fixed Gutenberg media captions’ style. And other image block adjustments. style.css
Enlarged content width value so iframes get bigger on embed blocks for example functions.php
V 2.8.81 (24/2/2019)
Fixed missing strings in WooCommerce /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php
V 2.8.8 (5/12/2019)
Font Awesome: Removed extra spaces that were causing problems on some installs. Prevented missing icon font option error. /inc/qi-framework/font-awesome5-list.php
Styled new icons picker on modules’ backend and fixed category filter in not working /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Copy and icon changes in backend /inc/qi-framework/license-check.php
Fixed elegant icons not showing up in backend when selected /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
V 2.8.7 (27/11/2019)
Added function to retrieve ID of image from URL /inc/quadro-widgets.php /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Minor code formatting fixes /inc/qi-framework/onboard/onboard-setup.php
Fixes double video appearing on Video Posts Slider module when two videos were on the same post /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixes Vimeo auto thumbs not working and YouTube auto thumbs with black strips for 16:9 scale /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Added parameter to auto-video-thumb function to select small thumbnail sizes when needed (specifically for video posts slider) /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed bug that prevented ZERO as value from being shown in the UI when set on number option fields /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added option to Remove Module from page in Front-End Editor /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php
Improved search in icon picker by adding categories dropdown and search by category /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added option to open link in new tab for Call To Action module module-cta.php
Updated copy explaining how to activate theme license /inc/getting-started/getting-started.php
Columns Module: new advanced layout options and structure changes module-columns.php
Updated Font Awesome to version 5 and added option to load Font Awesome Upgrader script /inc/qi-framework/font-awesome-list.php
Replaced icon on color pickers. Fixed styling for such icons that were misplaced. /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Updated social icons definitions and printing functions for both structural placements (headers and footers) and the social icons modules. Added filter for social icons definition. /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Updated social icons module to use new Font Awesome 5 format on brand icons. Removed now extinct Google+ icon option. Added Whatsapp, Spotify, iTunes (and Kickstarter on social icons module) to social network options. module-social_icons.php
Added fix to prevent color picker input fields from offering autocomplete options /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added new field type (dropdown select with images) for Advanced Styles dividers /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Fix proposal for when editing lightbox of columns module opens the editor for the last edited module inside the columns /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Front-End Editor minor style adjustments /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
V 2.8.6 (28/8/2019)
Copy changes in backend /inc/options-definition.php
Modified maybe print gallery function to use lazy load variables /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Implemented new lazy load on gallery module /js/scripts.js module-gallery.php style.css
Fixed new wpforms class for styles loading check functions.php
Removed unnecessary Font Awesome enqueuing for FEE /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php
V 2.8.3 (10/12/2018)
Front-End Editor: Added abbility to create modules inside nesting modules, fixed Colorbox lightbox not being draggable and other improvements /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Columns Module: Added columns quantity data for Front-End Editor module-columns.php
Image Module: Added link option module-image.php /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fixed New Modular Page link not working in WordPress 5.0 because of new hook /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Front-End Editor: Fixed button on Front Page page and buttons font-family /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Hid Llightbox plugin Galleries button and set YOAST default options for modules and portfolio post types /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Set archive false for module post type /inc/custom-post-types.php
Enabled post markup elements on Testimonial module content module-testimonial.php
V 2.8.1 (17/09/2018)
Updated Google Fonts list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Fixed new modular page link /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Front-End Editor: Adjustments and Fixes /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Fixed empty alert appearing after Artisan Site import success /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Fixed login link in Header Layout 4 style.css
Fixed submit buttons appearance on iOS devices style.css
V 2.7.7 (15/08/2018)
Front-End Editor: Fixed media library z-index /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
V 2.7.6 (02/08/2018)
Front-End Editor: Fixed z-index of editor dropdowns /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
V 2.7.5 (01/08/2018)
Added update helper for Artisan Styles and upgraded required version for Artisan Styles plugin /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/styles-pl-updater.php functions.php
Fixed Portfolio filters applying to other portfolio modules /js/scripts.js
Front-End Editor: Increased editor z-index because of issue in Nayma /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Fixed minor PHP notice /inc/theme-functions.php
V 2.7.4 (19/07/2018)
Getting Started Page: Added FB Group banner and other adjustments /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/images/fbwpdiyer-color.png /inc/getting-started/getting-started.php
Added Footer Menu Functionality /inc/qi-framework/template-tags.php footer.php functions.php /inc/options-definition.php style.css /inc/css-functions.php
Properly commented function /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Added new social profiles to Theme Options » Social, and updated Instagram icon color /inc/options-definition.php /inc/qi-framework/extras.php style.css
Enabled SVG uploads /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Added caption as link title for ligthbox use /inc/qi-framework/extras.php module-gallery.php
V 2.6.8 (12/03/2018)
Fixed error for missing color palette choices /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Changed variable names to make it clearer /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php
Added Editor field option /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php
Added disabled field option to Mods picker /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added styles for Upgrade messages in Pepper theme /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Fixed bug on FEE for WP editors not loading up properly /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Improved Gallery field UI in modules /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
V 2.6.7 (20/02/2018)
Removed old Themeforest reference from FAQ /inc/getting-started/theme-faqs.php
Fixed FEE for Social Icons module /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Replaced stylesheet reference for child themes use functions.php /inc/page-builder-layouts.php
Fixed patterns not showing up on child themes /inc/css-functions.php
Added Module Shortcode (to print a module on request) /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Wrapped MailChimp functions in conditional declarations /inc/qi-framework/leadbox-helper.php
Added Color Palette option to Theme Options /inc/options-definitions.php
Fixed pattern thumbs path for Child Themes /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Added Color Swatches to color pickers /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-front.php /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
FEE style adjustment for Leadbox module’s email service settings /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-styles.css
Fixed missing comma in Leadbox Email Settings /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Added feature to open portfolio items on external links /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-portfolio.php
Styled new color swaches /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Fixed Slider’s drop caption background color option module-slider.php
V 2.6.5 (01/01/2018)
Updated Font Awesome version to 4.7.0 /inc/qi-framework/font-awesome-list.php /inc/qi-framework/fonts/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Fixed zero value not getting saved in custom fields. Minor formatting fixes. /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Defined title names for Social Networks to be used in Social Icons module /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Added new module: Social Icons /images/admin/icons-shape/* /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-social_icons.php style.css
Removed RMS images from theme package and switched RMS images origin to cloud /inc/dconent/*/*.jpg /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Removed Font Awesome files from theme package /inc/qi-framework/fonts/font-awesome/* /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added check for Binder Pro theme /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
V 2.6.4 (15/12/2017)
Added base_path parameter option to layout pickers to allow for more dynamic path /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Prevented PHP notice when a gallery is called but not present /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Styled Split Background layout option in Framework /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Added module’s icon for new module: Social Icons /inc/qi-framework/images/mods/social_icons.png
Added Artisan Advanced Styles to plugins list functions.php
V 2.6.3 (12/12/2017)
Enabled Icon Tags in Editors
Fixed error thrown on jQuery after saving a newly created module /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
Removed Front-End Editor link from Toolbar when the page isn’t modular /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Added new Dynamic Styles filter to all modules processing /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php /inc/theme-funtcions.php
Added new hook for section opening and section closing to all modules
Added new module class filter to all modules /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php /inc/extras.php module-*.php (all module files)
Removed old IE8 check header.php
New options added to Call To Action Module: Layout and button size /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-cta.php style.css
Added category filters to Recent Posts Module /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-recentposts.php style.css
Canvas Module CSS ad
Added autoplay and hide controls options to Video & Embeds Module /inc/qi-framework/extras.php /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-video.php
Added new Thin layout to Leadbox Module /images/admin/leadbox-layouts/leadbox-layout10.png /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-leadbox.php style.css
Added 2 new layouts to Columns Module /images/admin/columns-layouts/columns-layout16.png /images/admin/columns-layouts/columns-layout17.png /inc/custom-fields-definition.php module-columns.php style.css
V 2.6.2 (17/10/2017)
Improved fonts loading system /inc/css-functions.php
Removed the need for the importer to deactivate the original WordPress Importer plugin /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php /inc/qi-framework/wordpress-importer.php
Moved Font Awesome loading to their own CDN /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Preventing a notice in Nayma because of removed Rev. Slider module type /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Fixed Insert image into post not working while editing a Canvas module in FEE
Added module type to editing lightbox in Front-End Editor /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
V 2.6.1 (25/9/2017)
Fixed weird behavior for Color Pickers in repeatables
Fixed default title placeholder for items without title on posts and mods picker /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Fixed new modules added without order after flexbox applied
Fixed method for obtaining first module type that was breaking modules where the order of the classes was different
Fixed no edit handler on inside modules after editing /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor-scripts.js
Fixed pricing tables and slidable insights not reloading after saving changes /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/at-editor.php
Fixed js error for when there’s no permalink created on the page before switching to Modular Template /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
V 2.6.0 (4/9/2017)
Replaced deprecated add_to_cart_fragments hook for WooCommerce /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php
Moved jQuery dom ready scripts into atInit function for Front-End Editor compatibility /js/scripts.js
Replaced image upload mode on Image Module type module-image.php /inc/custom-fields-definition.php /inc/custom-post-types.php
Implemented new Front-End Editor
Fixed error for pre PHP 5.5 version servers
Added new field type to move image module type to a new upload field
Added Promise.done as a replacement of SetTimeOut for module controls on type loading
Implemented new color picker library /inc/qi-framework/at-editor/ /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Updated Google Fonts list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Fixed menu importing bug in RMS by programmatically creating the Main Menu item /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php /inc/qi-framework/parsers.php
V 2.5.8 (10/8/2017)
Fixed missing images for backwards compatibility on Services and Team modules module-team.php module-services
Fixed spinner on mod type select class /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
Added check for wp_enqueue_editor function
New: Added Onboarding Tour /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/onboard/
V 2.5.7 (31/7/2017)
Added selected icon remover for modules UI
Implemented full TinyMCE editors for previous visual-only editors in modules /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Removed check for updates option (it’ll always check for updates) /inc/qi-framework/update.php /inc/options-definition.php
V 2.5.6 (16/6/2017)
Fix to make sure we stay on the plugins tab when the Getting Started plugin manager proceeds /inc/qi-framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
Added extra step to make sure module type selector is open if no type selected /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Implemented new product gallery options for WooCommerce /inc/options-definition.php /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php
Fixed missing images on slider module when size is right by default and no intermediate image is called module-services.php /inc/theme-functions.php
Added the ability to show a slider caption only by filling in a call to action module-slider.php
V 2.5.5 (5/5/2017)
Fixed bug for first time saving options /qi-framework/options.php
Fixed bug that prevented RMS menus from being properly imported /qi-framework/parsers.php
V 2.5.4 (27/4/2017)
Added Landing Page option to modular template header.php style.css /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Changed internal script name for mmenu functions.php
Fixed animation on portfolio loader icon when it’s Elegant Icons style.css
Added conditional for portfolio fields function /inc/theme-functions.php
Fixed PHP notice for undefined module type on list column /inc/custom-post-types.php
Added support for WPForms plugin functions.php /inc/css-functions.php /inc/wpforms-styles.css
Added CSS fixes for WooCommerce 3.0 /inc/woocommerce-styles.css
Fixed module type filtering in Page edit screen /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
V 2.5.3 (16/3/2017)
Upgraded required version for Artisan Pages functions.php
Implemented new UI for module type selector /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php /inc/qi-framework/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/custom-fields-definition.php /inc/qi-framework/images/mods/* /inc/custom-post-types.php
Added Changelog link in admin Toolbar
Fixed slug for Binder PRO on admin Toolbar /inc/qi-framework/dashboard-helper.php
Fixed Repeatables bug when re-ordering due to wrong radio input syntax
Added custom color option and link tool to all wp editors in modules (Slogan and Repeatables) /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
Linked KB on Toolbar straight to proper theme URL /inc/qi-framework/dashboard-helper.php
Made all thumb sizes available on all post types functions.php
Made Services and Slider modules repeatable so they don’t need to use a custom post type /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Added class to h3 > “slide-caption-title”, so we can now style it without styling all the h3 that are inside the slide caption module-services.php module-slider.php
Added function to automatically convert old sliders to new system
Added function to automatically convert old services to new system
Added tool to manually run the conversion process for slides and services /inc/theme-functions.php
Avoiding loading services and slides post types if already converted /inc/custom-post-types.php
Specified some styles inside the slide caption style.css
Specified text elements sizes for Slogan module now that it’s an editor box (as we have in Indigo, Modules, Pepper)
Replaced no-results section for Portfolio modules with nicer and styled copy module-slogan.php module-portfolio.php style.css
Changed Site and Header layout options to layout-picker with images /images/admin/header-layout/*
Fixed issue with buttons not being white colored /inc/css-functions.php
Updated most RMS /inc/dcontent/*
V 2.5.1 (13/1/2017)
Fixing license check for theme folders with modified names /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Separated parameter from function result to avoid PHP version bug /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Removed the “View” action from Modules list on backend /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Enabled option to disable Portfolio transients functionality
Added icons to Theme Options tabs /inc/options-definition.php /inc/theme-functions.php
Udpdated version for Google font loader /inc/css-functions.php
Adjusted module background properties: cover and center when it’s an image but not when it’s parallax, no-repeat when it’s an image but not a pattern
Changed loader icon on Portfolio Ajax and adjusted its size
Changed loader icon in posts-loader-icon in blog and adjusted its size style.css /inc/theme-functions.php module-portfolio.php module-blog.php
Hided caption background if no caption module-slider.php
Removed bundled version of Artisan Pages and added external URL for installation functions.php /inc/plugins/
Added .scroll-to-link class to Slogan module button, so it now can link to another section on the page with the scroll effect module-slogan.php
V 2.5.0 (8/12/2016)
Added new modules: Info Box, Video & Embeds and Modules Columns module-ibox.php module-video.php module-columns.php /inc/custom-fields-definition.php style.css /images/admin/columns-layouts/*
Added new RMS: Photographer and Wedding /inc/dcontent_available.php /inc/dcontent/photographer* /inc/dcontent/wedding*
Added Typekit font option /inc/options-definition.php /inc/css-functions.php
Updated Google Fonts available list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Added Artisan Pages to available plugins functions.php /inc/plugins/
Added a new Getting started area /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/gs-helper.php /inc/getting-started/getting-started.php
Added license and domain to update request on framework /inc/qi-framework/update.php
Styled NEW WooCommerce My Account Page Tabs
WC Login From Adjustment /inc/woocommerce-styles.css
Added new Ready Made Site: Traveling Diary /inc/dcontent/diary/* /inc/dcontent/dcontent_available.php
Fixed Vimeo URL on helpers
Fixed multiple line quote fetching /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed video SSL URL on helpers
Fixed double search not submitting on submit click
Removed imagesLoaded script from bundled scripts
Added images loaded check to blog gallery (fixes wrong height on gallery post format)
Removed mediaelement call on Blog’s load more, which prevented flexslider galleries from working properly
Fixed Quotes slider showing controls when only one quote
Fixed missing smooth height on Load More for gallery posts
Fixed: don’t run slider script on Slider Module when there’s just 1 slide (so it doesn’t show the navigation controls neither) /js/scripts.js
CSS Little Adjustments
Limited Contact Form 7 form width
Adjusted colors of links in posts (meta data, title, etc.), the only element with the link color should be the “Read more” link, the rest is greyscale now
Adjusted Menus so they look good also when there’s no custom menu created yet, just regular page links
Increased Header’s z-index so Crelly Slider loader bar doesn’t pass above it
Added hover status and style to Headline Caption button on Slider Module
Adjusted hamburger menu icon color – So now it uses the same color the menu has. In Header Layout 4 it also respects the background color of the navigation bar
Added “background-size:cover” to body when there’s an image background
Fixed Drop Caption on Slider Module so it stays in the middle (vertically) always
Refactored Slider Module Captions (all 3 styles) so they position themselves in the middle vertically (instead of a position from the top)
Adjusted Video and Audio WP Embeds Controls
Adjusted category links on single post
Adjusted images size and position on single post in smaller devices style.css /inc/css-functions.php
Added Background Overlay Feature in Module Style /inc/custom-fields-definition.php /inc/theme-functions.php (+ all module-*.php files)
Changed name for modular template to Modular Template template-modular.php
V 2.4.2 (14/9/2016)
Added new Gallery module /images/admin/gallery-styles/* /inc/custom-field-definitions.php module-gallery.php style.css /js/scripts.js
Ditched bundled version of jQuery Masonry in favor of WordPress’ native one functions.php
Adjusted gallery function to accept caption and link /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Fixed errors in the import process /inc/qi-framework/dcontent_importerx.php /inc/qi-framework/wordpress-importer.php
Updated language files /languages/*
V 2.4.1 (30/8/2016)
Fixed bug on bbPress /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Enabled background pattern replacement in theme through filter /inc/qi-framework/options.php /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
Added new Pricing Tables module /inc/css-functions.php /inc/custom-fields-definitions.php module-pr_tables.php style.css
Removed SSL filter string from license check response. /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added new Google Maps API Key option functions.php /inc/custom-fields-definitions.php /inc/options-definition.php /inc/quadro-widgets.php
Adding imagesloaded check to slider /js/scripts.js
Added empty content check to slider module module-slider.php
Created function to define options group name functions.php
Fixed Font Awesome loading folder path
Removed deprecated screen_icon function from wordpress-importer plugin
Added pseudo “cache” to $quadro_options variable output
Removed $quadro_options group from global space in framework
Fixing upload images error bug when retina enabled
Removing unneeded call to quadro_get_options
Enqueuing Font Awesome from bundled files
Adding header layouts filter to qi_framework
Prefixed Global Variables
Prefixed global variables
Replaced add_submenu_page for proper theme_page function
Adding Instagram and Pinterest for Nayma Team members in proper field section
Fixing user test in all themes
Adding Instagram and Pinterest to old Social custom field
Fixed internal-preview parameter not being added inside modules posts-pickers.
Fixed module type filter for backend
Fixed translation issues
Added message to editor to double update modules to properly display HTML content
Modified Font Awesome script name to allow for other plugins to use it too
Fixed CBox styles conflicting with other plugins
Removed sticky posts from custom posts selected queries in all modules /inc/qi-framework/extras.php /inc/qi-framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/dashboard-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/gs-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.php /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php /inc/qi-framework/template-tags.php /inc/qi-framework/welcome-msg.php /inc/qi-framework/fonts/font-awesome/font-awesome.min.css /inc/qi-framework/options.php /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/update.php /inc/qi-framework/wordpres-importer.php
V 2.3.5 (21/1/2016)
Fixed Modules Filter on backend /inc/custom-post-types.php
Updated WooCommerce templates to 2.5 /woocommerce/cart/cart.php style.css
Added easing to scrolling effects functions.php /js/scripts.js
Fixed check for gallery existence before outputting its content module-featured.php
Added Instagram and Pinterest to social area for Team members /inc/qi-framework/custom-field-functions.php
Fixed repeatables bug when there are no editors to repeat
Fixed module type filter for backend
Fixed internal-preview parameter not being added inside modules posts-pickers /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Fixed CBox styles conflicting with other plugins
Further Improved Backend UI /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Modified Font Awesome script name to allow for other plugins to use it too /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
V 2.3.4 (18/12/2015)
Adapted headings hierarchy for 4.4 WordPress release /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
Fixing bug on repeatables: radio inputs missing values when adding new items /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js
Updated Font Awesome in framework to 4.5.0 /inc/qi-framework/font-awesome-list.php /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Re-enabling modules preview for WP 4.4 /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/custom-post-types.php
Added modules type filter to Posts Picker on Modules mode /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php /inc/qi-framework/framework-styles.css
V 2.3.3 (16/11/2015)
Updated Google fonts list /inc/qi-framework/google-fonts-list.php
Added Site Origins Widgets Bundle to recommended plugins.
Fixed bug that prevented plugins from being installed on Getting Started page.
Enabled title-tag theme support functions.php header.php
V 2.3.2 (28/10/2015)
Fixed textarea for previous repeatables /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Updated theme screenshot
V 2.3.1 (22/8/2015)
Fixed textarea for previous repeatables /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Enabled sorting on Posts Pickers after loading via AJAX /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
Updating googleMaps scripts and API url functions.php /js/scripts.js
Fixed posts picker
Avoid ‘defer’ loading on Google Maps scripts /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
V 2.3.0 (18/8/2015)
Updated widgets to use PHP5 object constructors for WP4.3 compat. /inc/quadro-widgets.php
Included new plugin descriptions functions.php
Adapted custom fields definitions for new framework AJAX loading modules /inc/custom-field-definitions.php
Included new getting started folder and files /inc/getting-started/
Fixed slogan not appearing on frontend module-slogan.php
Replacing Slogan Editor
Added conditional for modules specific custom fields to be saved only when dealing with modules
Enabled Custom Fields on Modules via AJAX. Replaced editors via AJAX. Separated Modules custom fields on a new array, and enabled functions file to save them
Added visual editor functionality for repeatables /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php
Replacing Slogan Editor
Added conditional for modules specific custom fields to be saved only when dealing with modules
Added modules custom fields filter. Moved AJAX metabox creation function to modules-admin.php
Enabled Custom Fields on Modules via AJAX. Replaced editors via AJAX. Separated Modules custom fields on a new array, and enabled functions file to save them
Added fix for “Add to page” comma issue in Modules Admin (for modules getting erased when added) /inc/qi-framework/modules-admin.php
Added Getting Started Page /inc/getting-started/getting-started.php /inc/getting-started/theme-faqs.php /inc/qi-framework/gs-helper.php /inc/qi-framework/dashboard-helper.php
Enabled Custom Fields on Modules via AJAX. Replaced editors via AJAX. Separated Modules custom fields on a new array, and enabled functions file to save them
Added visual editor functionality for repeatables /inc/qi-framework/js/admin-scripts.js /inc/qi-framework/options-helper.php
Added DEFER parameter for scripts loading /inc/qi-framework/qi-framework.php
Added function to retrieve galleries as background images /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Wrapping plugin description in table inside div, Added classes for TGM columns. /inc/qi-framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
V 2.2.4 (16/7/2015)
Removed duplicated totals in cart /woocommerce/cart/cart.php
Fixed missing slogan text field /inc/custom-fields-definition.php
Fixed gallery items width for single posts style.css
V 2.2.3 (5/5/2015)
Updated Flexslider to 2.4.0
Fixed testimonials auto height /js/scripts.js style.css
Fixed parse error /inc/theme-functions.php
V 2.2.2 (4/5/2015)
Fixed repeatables field type incompatibility /inc/custom-fields-definition.php /inc/qi-framework/custom-fields-functions.php module-clients.php module-team.php module-testimonials.php
Added hold for loaded images on AJAX portfolio slider /js/scripts.js
V 2.2.1 (2/5/2015)
Renamed header extras function name /inc/qi-framework/hooks.php
V 2.2.0 (1/5/2015)
Reverted old VC adjustments on Portf. Items for galleries content-portfolio.php
Removed old scripts function for Visual Composer /js/scripts.js functions.php
Enabled modules preview
Excluded modules from search /inc/custom-post-types.php
Fixed slogan link escaping module-slogan.php
Adapted files for newer repeatables architecture
Added filter for all custom fields and for available modules /inc/custom-fields-definition module-clients.php module-team.php module-testimonials.php
Added query filters to Recent Posts widget for WPML compatibility /inc/quadro-widgets.php
Implemented transients option for modules /inc/options-definition.php template-modular.php
Updated retina.js script /js/retina.js
Updated WooCommerce cart template to 2.3.8 /woocommerce/cart/cart.php
Updated mod_content function to match framework’s new features
Improved AJAX Portfolio loading to load only required content
Added keep navigation in same category option
Added filters for Portfolio content, media, fields, and title in Portfolio view /inc/theme-functions.php /js/scripts.js content-portfolio.php (deleted) module-portfolio.php single-quadro_nym_portfolio.php
Added conditional for lack of authors in quote /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
Updated Crelly Slider styles for newer versions /inc/qi-framework/plugins/crelly-slider-syles.css
Updated WooCommerce version support to 2.3 functions.php /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php /inc/woocommerce-styles.php /inc/woocommerce-styles-pre23.php /woocommerce/cart/cart.php
V 2.1.1 (27/11/2014)
Fixed video transparent mode /inc/qi-framework/extras.php
V 2.1 (24/11/2014)
Enabled Google Maps over SSL
Enabled HTML5 support for native WordPress elements
Fixed missing post ID error in thumb sizes management functions.php
Added Modules Filter in Modules page /inc/custom-post-types.php
Added wmode transparent for Youtube and IE overlaps (in extras.php)
Fixed Related products amount issue /inc/quadro-woocommerce.php
Dropped Revolution Slider and Visual Composer plugins bundling
Enabled pre & after post content hooks
Reestructured Theme Framework Most files inside /inc/ folder have been separated between theme specific functions and general purpose functions. Also several scripts that were called in functions.php have been moved over the framework files. Please check your files for previous modifications (if you did some) and re-adjust them.
Fixed products order field CSS for iOS /inc/woocommerce-styles.css
Preventing no-thumbnail posts from appearing in Carousel module module-carousel.php
Modified variable name for gallery thumb in Featured post module module-featured.php
V 2.0.4 (10/7/2014)
Changed Google Fonts to https for ltIE9 /inc/css-functions.php
Fixed repeatable Content fields order /js/admin-scripts.js
Updated TGMPA version to enable plugin updates /inc/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
Updated Slider Revolution version to 4.5.4
Changed Visual Composer plugin version to 4.2.3
Added shortcuts to admin toolbar functions.php /inc/dashboard-helper.php
Fixed map controls issue (when added)
Enabled more room in Cart for bigger fonts
Updated Slider Revolution’s controls style.css
Fixed WPML strings output footer.php 404.php
Enabled content in Team module via the_content filter module-team.php
Fixed empty links showing up in Clients module module-clients.php
V 2.0.3 (2/6/2014)
Modified Theme Screenshot screenshot.png
Changed Visual Composer plugin version to functions.php
V 2.0.2 (21/4/2014)
Added double check for retina attachments deletion
Changed Visual Composer plugin version to 4.1.1 functions.php
V 2.0.1 (10/4/2014)
Fixed links being filtered in Link post format on blogs
Fixed missing argument message
Fixed empty content when no galleries on gallery posts content.php inc/template-tags.php
Tweaked moving title in services (Firefox) styles.css
Modified Portfolio Items order (newest first) module-portfolio.php