Setting up a Blog page

How to set up a blog page in your site, the two ways.

The WordPress way

Your homepage as a blog:

Navigate to Settings » Reading and for “Front page displays” select “Your latest posts”. This will show your blog posts in the homepage of your site automatically by using what WordPress calls the “archive template”.

A different page as a blog:

To display your blog on a different page other than the homepage, select “A static page” instead of “Your latest posts”. You will then be able to chose a page to be your front page, and then a different page to hold your posts on the “Posts page” option below.

The amount of posts a specific blog page will show before the navigation is defined on the Settings » Reading page, with the “Blog pages show at most” option.

* Depending on the theme you’re using you can pick your blog and archives style and adjust many other settings for its layout at Appearance » Theme Options.

The theme way (the one we love!)

Artisan themes come packed with modules you can set on any page by using a template called “Modular Page”. By using it, you can pick from many different kind of modules, which will bring content in a particular layout and style. Between those modules, you’ll find a very complete blog module, which you can combine with the rest of your page content to create a fully functional blog section inside a complex layout.

To do that, navigate to Modules » Add new, select the Blog type for the module, and then add it into a new or an existing page using the Modular Page template.