Slogan module
The Slogan module can be a slogan, or a call to action, or even a quick welcome phrase. Enter your title and text in the editor, add a link if you want, and hit publish. It’s a great way to make a nice phrase look amazing.
In addition, choose between a giant slogan style or a regular sized one, use up to two different call to action buttons and select a desired animation (if any) for it.
Note: By selecting a Gallery in the “Use Gallery Slider as Background” you can create an images slider background for the slogan automatically, while its contents remain still over it.
Video Background: To add a video background to the Slogan module, upload your video files to the Media Library (you can do that directly while editing the module) and choose your available formats. Some modern browsers will play different formats, so it’s better to upload your video in more than one format to assure better odds of your users having the proper codecs on their browsers.
Tip: Using any module’s ID (‘#post-26’, e.g.) as a link for any of the Call To Action buttons will make the window scroll to that module, providing the module exists on the same page as the slogan module. You can use that little feature to direct your visitors to a list of features, for instance, when they click on your “Find More” button.
Please note: the modules availability and their specific settings depend on each theme, not all themes include the same modules with the same settings.